008: Tamara van der Does


This week, Alien Crash Site AND SFI’s Complexity podcast bring SFI post-doc Tamara van der Does, to talk about her alien artifact, her work at SFI, and a very interesting speculative project she spearheaded, along with 13 other SFI post-docs, having received an extraterrestrial transmission from a tri-parental species.

This week, Complexity Podcast host, Michael Garfield, comes into the Zone to co-host an interview with SFI Program Postdoctoral Fellow Tamara van der Does (who models belief change using techniques inspired by statistical physics) for a three-headed conversation totally befitting the subject matter: a work of speculative "sci-fi science" produced by SFI's postdoctoral researchers during a 72-hour lock-in complex systems charette.

Learn more about everything referenced in this episode by clicking the links below:


009: Tony Eagan


007: Nina Lanza