ATLANTIS engages in a conversation about the latest ventures in InterPlanetary science. We talk about the technical specifics and the philosophical significance of our attempts to get to know the universe.
We are a space-faring ship that travels through the cosmos wondering what humans can and will do with their inquiring minds and technological prowess. We take our name from the old lost city which was said to drown for its hubris, and then rose again to champion the humane use of science. We send these dispatches from our Terran island which might very well be sinking already.
We hope to give our readers more clarity about the science and technology involved in InterPlanetary missions, as well as the ideas (and ideologies?) motivating moonshot endeavors, presently and across time. Together, we take a deep dive into the nature of our complex universe and the place of life within it.
Atlantis dispatch #019 - in which we contemplate the complexity of adaptive systems
Atlantis dispatch #016 - in which we contemplate the power of thought experiments
Atlantis dispatch #015 - in which we contemplate what a telescope really show us
Atlantis dispatch #014 - in which we contemplate how we contemplate the future
Atlantis Featured Art Piece - “The Carousel” by Mario Santanilla. 2021
Atlantis dispatch #006 - in which we contemplate acronyms, ASSEMBLY theory, and the summit of beauty and love…
Atlantis dispatch #004 - in which we contemplate foundation myths and Ingenuity’s first flight.
Atlantis dispatch #003 - in which we contemplate a new timescale for InterPlanetary immortality
Atlantis dispatch #002 - in which we contemplate why on Earth we ever stopped looking for life on Mars
We are: